Outplacement Support

It is important to ensure that all employees affected by change in the workplace have the opportunity to receive support and training. We provide training and coaching personalised to the needs of your organisation and the employees involved. This includes:

"Getting ready for your new role" - Half day workshop - Continuing your current career or developing a new career, job seeking in the digital age, developing your "elevator pitch", developing your CV and written personal statement/application form, networking skills, managing change.

"Getting that new role" - Half day workshop - Refining your "elevator pitch", personal impact, preparing for the selection process, the interview, practising interview skills and other selection techniques.

One to one Coaching can be provided on the employee's CV and personal statement/application, selection skills and other issues that the employee requires support and advice on.

Support can also be given to the line managers of "at risk" employees and to the current and new team through coaching and training.



Developing CV's

Developing Elevator Pitch

Interview Skills

Personal Presence

Writing Applications

Presentation Skills

Career Coaching